
How to you pronounce yemoja
How to you pronounce yemoja

We’ll begin with “Sheila needs, Sheena leads”. And now we’re going to go up and then down. Take a deep breath, and then we’re going to start high up and then go all the way down.

how to you pronounce yemoja

So start with a hum, and then we’re going to start really, really low, go all the way up. Next up, we’re going to warm up the voice and we’re going to play with a pitch a little bit. And again, we’re going to exaggerate it a bit. Now we’re going to practice two diphthongs: ‘ow’ – ‘aw’. And over-exaggerate the articulation of the lips, okay? Really pull the lips to the sides and then push them forward.

how to you pronounce yemoja

These are also the high vowels: front vowel – ‘ee’, back vowel – ‘uw’. We’re going to start with ‘ee’ and move into ‘uw’. Let’s tense the face up and then release, okay? Scrunch the face, let go. We’re going to do the same thing with the face. Now, one more thing I want you to do is to raise your shoulders and then release the shoulders and all the tension that you have in your shoulders and neck. And when you breathe, relax your jaw even more. So, massage the jaw, and start noticing your breaths. So, start by maybe massaging the jaw a little bit, and check if you’re holding any tension here, in the jaw. If you don’t know our morning pronunciation practice, I’m going to link to it in the description. So we decided to keep it interesting and add another daily pronunciation practice, so you can alternate between the two. Many of you are already practicing daily with our morning pronunciation practice. You can do it daily, you can do it in the morning, during the day, at the end of the day, before an important meeting, or just before you start your English practice. Welcome to the daily pronunciation practice – a 10-minute drill designed to help you improve your pronunciation, your clarity, and your confidence using English. And I recommend to do it every day before you start your English practice, or at the end of the day, or at the beginning of the day. So, today we have a daily pronunciation practice that is going to improve your pronunciation and diction and your ability to become aware of your articulation organs.

how to you pronounce yemoja

But if not, you can definitely just listen and follow my guidance, especially if you’re driving and you want to use that driving time efficiently.

how to you pronounce yemoja

So, I actually definitely recommend watching the video for this one, if you want to do this practice daily. Of course, you can watch the video version and see me moving my tongue all around. Today we have another daily pronunciation practice. Thank you so much for joining me for another episode of the InFluency Podcast. And today you are going to join me for a fun pronunciation practice. I’m Hadar, and this is episode number 186.

How to you pronounce yemoja